Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday 2007/06/29

Ny Ålesund 21:38
T°C: 6°C/42.8 F
T°C plus wind effect: -3°C/ 26.6 F
Relative humidity : 80%

The house is empty : Maarten is supplying our geese's counters at the tip of the fjord, Bas is preparing his lab, Ricardo must be somewhere spying at tourists and Stefan somewhere enjoying his last days at London2. No goose at the end of the path this evening, the 7pm-freezing rain compeled them to sit on the tundra. The computer is free.

So we are in Ny-Ålesund for almost two weeks. Life follows geese's rythm on the tundra and sun's run above the heads. Strange feeling to arrive here so fast, in the arctic polar circle, on a ground where you needed several days in a boat to step on, in a village where numerous polar expeditions started from and sometimes didn't come back to.

The first days in Longyearbyen had been strange: arrived too fast on this island, I felt like walking on clouds, incapable of assimilating the shift of civilisation. From the era of schedules and punctuality to the one of sun and waiting. Bas asked me why I wanted to come here (or there): to arrive somewhere where one doesn't control everything and has to be humble in front of nature.
This Sunday, as a birthday present, my mind still foggy from mid-summer party, I've had a good right bustle: the polar bear had been seen at Storholmen, and island in the fjord. The polar bear, the biggest fear of Northern Norvegians with the fear that the sun doesn't appear again at spring. Guns grew on shoulders, one spoke about one, then two, on said that it was at two hours from the village, that the current would make it go faster, that there were arriving from North and South, soon East and West. The rumor is always faster than its object... The bear went away to more quiet shores; we don't leave our .308 bolt gun now though.

Gun and telescope, both buddies of the field working ornithologist

It's a strange feeling to feel weaker and smaller than an animal, and it's a pity that our relation with it is only defensive: however in 98% on the encounters, the bear only wants to know which kind of animal is on its way, and turns back as soon as it knows. The gun is a placebo, unfortunately sometimes necessary.

Svalbard poppy (Papaver dahlianum)

1 moist, 1 hole, 1 egg (Branta leucopsis)

Since the arrival of sun, life starts again, snow melts, flowers pop up, eggs hatch et biologists ring, observe, note and bustle about, hurried by births like squirrels by the return of cold. For the moment, we're just checking the nests, noting the rings of the parents and the number of their goslings, but those birds don't wait before jumping to the sea: from the first evening, the chicks stumble around their parents.

Meanwhile, glaciers grumble and bewail the arrival of spring. Their tears float in Kongsfjord waters, among the steelboats that scatter towards the islands and the ocean. I sit at the bow and watch for icebergs; one movement toward a direction and the boat follows my hand.

Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla)

See you

PS: you can now click on the pictures to have them at full size

PS2: if you want more pictures and video, go to Netherlands arctic station

Monday, June 18, 2007


There we are so...
After a long trip heading towards light and good weather, our plane landed this morning at 2, in Longyearbyen, "capital" and lay-over to Ny-Alesund. The sun was North, above the mountains that bord the flord. "Night" without wind, almost cool, healthy after the moisture of the Netherlands and Norway.

This morning the sun was above the wide valley that end the fjord, old bed of the glacier.

An ivory gull(Pagophila eburnea), on a sled.
Once the tourists evapored in their wooden houses, arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea)went back to their talks and snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) started back their work: only singing birds on the island, they jazz the streets up .

This afternoon, while the sun was moving from South to West, we entered in a twin-engined plane to Ny-Alesund. Unfortunately, the fog blocks the fjord and covers the airport. Landing is impossible. Too bad, we'll land tomorrow: it's not good for global warming, but nothing is better to enjoy this landscape of mountains and glaciers.

Waiting for the fog to clear away; the sun keeps turning.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Get out your measuring cups

and we'll play a new game...
As everyone knows (will know), the blood carries Red Blood Cells (RBC, or erythrocytes -from the grec erythro, red- or hematites -named from the heme containing an atome of iron III that gives its red color to the cell) and White Blood Cells (WBC, or leukocytes -from the grec leukos, that moves). The WBC are responsible for the immune response.
Once in Ny-Alesund, I'm supposed to be the expert for the analysis of barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) and common eiders'(Somateria mollissima) WBC... Big responsibility on my frail shoulders...Shit, I'll have to do pull-ups...

Fig. 1.1: A lymphocyte and two heterophiles, surrounded by typical RBC. Note the lymphocyte's pseudopodias.

Fig. 1.2: Two thrombocytes, one heterophile and one monocyte. Typical forms.

However, because there is always an however, Cecilia S. (the Swedish PhD who is teaching to me) and I are stuck by strange cells that do not look like anything known, and that nobody have ever described... Vive la science, that gives us the title of world expert in B. leucopsis et S. mollissima's leukocytes to her, and the second position to me. But, except the little glory its gives us, nobody can help us...

Departure to Ny-Alesund, Spitzberg Island, Svalbard archipelago, Norway Sunday, June 17th, 05:00pm.

see you
