After a long trip heading towards light and good weather, our plane landed this morning at 2, in Longyearbyen, "capital" and lay-over to Ny-Alesund. The sun was North, above the mountains that bord the flord. "Night" without wind, almost cool, healthy after the moisture of the Netherlands and Norway.
Once the tourists evapored in their wooden houses, arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea)
went back to their talks and snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis)
started back their work: only singing birds on the island, they jazz the streets up .
This afternoon, while the sun was moving from South to West, we entered in a twin-engined plane to Ny-Alesund. Unfortunately, the fog blocks the fjord and covers the airport. Landing is impossible. Too bad, we'll land tomorrow: it's not good for global warming, but nothing is better to enjoy this landscape of mountains and glaciers.
Waiting for the fog to clear away; the sun keeps turning.
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